KORG M3M M3-M Synth Workstation Sampler Module
From Korg M3
Product Description
The M3 features innovations distilled from the OASYS including the new EDS sound generator derived from the HD-1 engine design, the advanced second-generation KARMA functionality, and the multi-purpose control surface. Adding innovations such as the concept of "virtualized hardware" that allows an even closer integration with DAW systems, Drum Tracks which provide an instant groove to play along with, and the "Korg Komponent System" concept that facilitates more flexible system construction. Using Korg's voicing technology, the 1,028 multi-samples, 1,606 drum samples, dual oscillators, 4-level velocity switching, cross fading, layering, and stereo sampling allow for an enormous range of high-quality, expressive sounds. The filter section lets you simultaneously use 2 resonant filters for each oscillator, and can be configured in series or parallel. The all-important effect section provides up to 5 Insert effects, 2 Master effects, and 1 Total effect. In addition to great choruses, flangers, phasers, delays and reverbs, the 170 effect types include dynamic processing effects such as compressor and limiter, amp modeling and speaker simulation effects using Korg's proprietary "REMS" modeling technology, and evocative effects like the Grain Shifter and Talking Modulator. Realistic imitative sounds, fat synth sounds, imaginative textures, evocative sound effects are all included. The M3 comes loaded with 512 Programs, and room for a total of 1,664 user sounds. All sound locations are fully editable (except GM banks), so you are always free to tweak a sound if needed. Adding in the EXB-RADIAS option delivers 128 powerful MMT synthesis sounds. There are 32 drumkits provided, and room for a total of 144. As for the 16-part Combinations, 384 come preloaded, with room for a total of 1,792 (14 Banks). The M3 music workstation sampler opens a new and exciting page in music making -- it's the workstation that rightfully deserves
Product Details
Brand: Korg M3
Dimensions: 15.43 pounds
Includes one cyan, one magenta, one yellow HP 88 ink cartridge
Page yield - 88 Cyan, approx. 860 color graphics pages; 88 Magenta, approx. 1000 color graphics pages; 88 Yellow, approx. 860 color graphics pages (actual yield depends on printer and specific use)